Breaking news! As of today, music mastering is part of the highly respected made In Italy trademark! Giovanni Versari, of La Maestà studio, overcame international competition from the most esteemed studios to sign a taylor made mastering of the new and much anticipated album by the British band, Muse.
Breaking news! Da oggi in poi il made in Italy annovera anche l’arte del mastering musicale! Giovanni Versari dello studio La Maestà mette la sua firma sonora sul nuovo ed attesissimo album della band britannica Muse, sconfitta la concorrenza degli studi internazionali più quotati!
Breaking news! As of today, music mastering is part of the highly respected made In Italy trademark! Giovanni Versari, of La Maestà studio, overcame international competition from the most esteemed studios to sign a taylor made mastering of the new and much anticipated album by the British band, Muse.